Our flagship machine is the Allen & Heath SQ7. It can deal with 48 channels of audio at 96k as well as 16 tracks of live recording at 96k or 32 tracks at 48k
We also use a much smaller Behringer X32 r which can handle 20 audio channels with 16 track recording at 48k
Both our mixers come with remote control, allowing more flexibility in mixer positioning as well as potentially eliminating a mixer position in the performance space.
Our main FOH rig consists of an FBT Xsub 115sa coupled with an FBT Xpro 110a either side of the Stage rated at over 4000 watts
Our second rig consists of a pair of HK polar 12’s, again rated at over 4000 watts
At bigger events we can deploy both rigs side by side giving us a massive 8k rig
At very big events we can add in a pair of 18 inch long throw subs as well as a central short throw adding another 3k of power
giving us an earth moving 11,000 watts of music power on FOH
We have 4 FBT Xpro 110a s, 2 Bose S1s and 2 Alto TX 308s giving us an 8 way monitor mix.
We can also handle client provided in ear monitors with ease
Our Bose S1 speakers can be discreetly deployed in a number of positions.
All our desks are equipped with an AMM system that mixes delegates as they speak.
We have vocal mics by Neumann, Shure, AKG and Beyer Dynamic.
Our drum mics are a mix of AKG and Colrec.
Instrument mics include AKG, Shure, MXR and Colrec.
Our Studio collection includes Neumann, AKG and Aston